Running Is A Metaphor To Business Success

Newsroom | 1 min read | March 17, 2025

- By Laura Thronton, Nexstar Network Software Coach and Avid Runner

There’s a joke among runners that we’ll find a way to bring up running in any conversation.

I think it’s because most people only see the race pictures and the shiny new PRs (personal records). What they don’t see are the 3 AM wakeups, the early bedtimes, the discipline in nutrition, the chiropractor visits, the ice baths, the cryotherapy, the steam room sessions, and the investment in coaches to help us get better. They don’t see the hustle. They don’t see the grind.

It’s the same in business.

As a software coach working with Plumbing, Heating, Cooling, and Electrical companies, I see this every day. Owners and teams striving for operational efficiency, better customer experiences, and increased profitability. They want the “PRs” of their industry—growth, success, and leadership.

But just like running, the wins don’t come easy. It’s the behind-the-scenes work that makes the difference:

  • Mastering the tools (like ServiceTitan) to improve efficiency
  • Streamlining processes for better customer interactions
  • Investing in training and development to level up the team
  • Putting in the long hours to truly understand the business metrics that drive success.

Just like hiring a coach to reach your running goals, investing in the right systems and guidance can be the game changer for your business.

So, the questions are:

  • What are you doing behind the scenes to get your next “PR”?
  • Who are you leaning on to help you grow?
  • What disciplines and sacrifices are you committing to?

Race day may be public, but champions are made in the early mornings, late nights, and all the work in between.

Laura Thornton is a Software Coach. Prior to joining Nexstar she owned a successful PHCE business with her husband. She is a certified ServiceTitan Coach and experienced with multiple CRMs and software for the industry.

Follow Laura for more inspiration on LinkedIn!

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